Why Start A Young Living Essential Oils Business?

young living essential oils business

Are you sick and tired of doing same old same old…. that was me before I started my Young Living Essential Oils Business. Is that you?

I wanted more out of life. I know this probably seems horrible but I wanted more than just being a mum. I wanted something that I built. That I created. That I achieved. That was mine. That gave me meaning and purpose. And that ultimately gave me my own income source.

That last one was important to me because growing up I had witnessed my Mum having to ask my Dad for money on numerous occasions. She was a stay at home mum and my Dad ran a business.

Mum didn’t have her own money and one day I saw her ask my Dad for some money to go to the supermarket. She had already done the weekly grocery shop so he asked her what she needed the money for. It was for pads and she was so embarrassed to say this. I felt her pain at having to do this. Begin for money to buy feminine hygiene products.

From that moment on I swore that I would never ever have to ask anyone, least of all my husband for money. I wanted to make sure I had my own income.

And… when my marriage ended and I became a single mum I definitely was glad for Young Living essential oils business.

I made a commitment to myself and my family to make this Young Living essential oils business work. There is no plan B. Social selling was the business model for me. I had a Young Living business plan.

What’s the plan?

I am determined.

I am committed.

I will not quit

I will help you

I will mentor you

You will not do this alone.

I was no one special before I started my social selling business.

You have just as much right to success as anyone else. Do you want me to hold your hand?

Stop waiting for the right time. Stop waiting until you feel like it. Stop making excuses.

Stop wasting valuable time. The one regret people have in this business is that they didn’t start earlier.

So what’s stopping you from starting a Young Living Essential Oils business?

I know you are scared.

I know you’re worried you might fail

I know you’re worried what other people will think

I know you think your not good enough

I know you think you could never be successful 

I know you want something better

I know you want more time with your family

I know your fed up with working 9-5

I know you feel guilty dropping your kids off  at daycare

I know you want an income but you want more freedom.

I know because that was me…. that was all the thoughts I had but in the end I wanted it more than the Fear of my thoughts….I had no idea what to do or how to do it…. But i said 𝗬𝗘𝗦 anyway, I promised myself I would give it my all, I promised myself I wouldn’t give up , I promised I wouldn’t give up on my dreams….

I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I saw what this business model can give me. As long as I didn’t stop and didn’t give up… it’s been a roller coaster that’s for sure but I have never taken my eyes of the goals…..  the friends I have made , the journey I have been on, the growth and self development…. would never of happened if I hadn’t said yes…

To hell with the excuses. You either want to start a social selling business or you don’t. If you don’t that’s ok as this isn’t for everybody. But if it is for you then you are in the right place.

So don’t be scared. Take the leap. Shoot for the stars. I’m ready to link arms with you and help you build a Young Living essential oils business.

What can you expect when you start a Young Living Essential Oils Business?

Here’s things you can expect to get…

young living essential oils business
  • Flexible hours
  • Fun online environment
  • Training 
  • Support from our tribe of likeminded people
  • Encouragement and inspiration
  • A team environment
  • Guidance
  • Daily support and inspiration

Here’s things you can create for yourself…

  • Your best self! 
  • Build your very own empire
  • Create a family holiday fund
  • Add an extra $100, $200, $500 to your income* (you set your limits)
  • An extra source of income

Can I make money from a Young Living Essential Oil Business?

Yes. By sharing Young Living products and even a business model that you love with others Young Living pays you as a Brand Partner for referring people to them. Check out the amazing Young Living compensation plan 2021 that is designed to set you up for success.

I have written a whole other blog post about this where you can learn more – Can you make money with Young Living.

How much money can you make with a Young Living essential oils business?

How long is a piece of string? Click the link to check out the young living average monthly income 2020 earned by Young Living businesses at various stages in their business. This is what we call the Income Disclosure Statement. Which stage or level would you like to achieve in your own Young Living business? Which income level would change your life?

Although this all sounds fun you still need to be dedicated and passionate… nothing worth having comes easy in this life. All I ask is for commitment, honesty, passion and respect! 

If you decide this Young Living essential oils business is for you, you will become part of our supportive online community, and myself and our other team members will teach and guide you every step of the way.  Getting paid to empower and guide people into better health and better lives… what’s not to love! 

What does your dream life look like?

Let’s make it a reality… If you’d like to find out more about how to order young living essential oils and Getting Started … click the link below to grab your oils. Make sure you set up a wholesale account and save 24% off.

If you still have questions or want more information about starting your own Young Living essential oils business then email me. There’s no such thing as a ‘silly question’ – so don’t be shy! I’m happy to answer any questions you have and even arrange a time to chat over the phone or Zoom if you like.

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Laugh and learn as Kim & Jeremy bring you the best essential oil info on Youtube.