Let’s talk about…. Young Living Believe Essential Oil Blend.
Do you lack confidence? Struggling to achieve your goals and dreams? Maybe you beat yourself up for your mistakes? Could you do with a little more belief in yourself?
Let me just say “You don’t have to be your best all the time.”
I see so many women squashed down by life.
By narcissistic partners.
By parents who told them they wouldn’t amount to much.
By jobs that sucked the life out of them.
By friends who gossip about them.
These women are barely going through the motions. Struggling with each day and finding it hard to focus on the now, let alone the future.
I want to say – I see you.
I know you.
I know what it’s like to be there, because I’ve been there.
I’ve rebuilt my life and my self esteem twice after narcissistic, abusive partners. It isn’t easy. I still have the voice in my head that says “I can’t” more than “I can”.
But in the wise words of Chumba Wumba “you get knocked down and you get up again”.
And that’s exactly what I did. Over and over again. I’m still getting knocked down, but these days I get up a lot easier. I do my best. I give my best.
It’s time to Believe in yourself again
Beautiful lady, you were born to do great things, so believe in yourself. And if, like me, you find it hard to “just do it” then I’ll let you in on a little secret…
It comes in a pretty blue bottle and it is an essential oil blend called Believe. Wait before you poo poo this idea. Just hear me out.
Maybe you’re thinking, “This is all hippy woo woo stuff! How can you possibly think that you can smell an essential oil and start believing in your self again??”
I’m not here to say that a magical transformation will happen overnight or anything, but I know from experience that essential oils are powerful tools we can use to help shift our emotions and mindset.
When you smell a particular aroma it goes up through your nose into the limbic system of your brain which is where your memories are stored and your emotions come from.
So, if you pair a particular aroma with an affirmation like, “I believe I am enough”, “I believe I can do this” or “I believe this is possible” and you repeat this practice regularly, you can train your brain to believe. The combination of affirmation and aroma is powerful!
Believe Essential Oil Blend
Believe essential oil blend is known for helping to release the potential that everyone holds inside of them. It can help strengthen your belief when at times you find it wavering.
It restores feelings of hope, making it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality.
This essential oil blend has been specifically formulated to calm and ground the spirit while stimulating the mind, allowing you to believe in your own limitless potential to create and improve in an atmosphere of peace and awareness.
It is grounding and empowering, helping to promote positive action toward the accomplishment of goals and fulfillment of dreams.
Believe essential oil blend is a blend of the following 7 essential oils:
- Balsam Fir
- Coriander
- Bergamot
- Frankincense
- Idaho Blue spruce
- Ylang ylang
- Geranium
How to use Believe Essential Oil Blend
- Diffuse this essential oil blend to create a sense of peace and awareness, and to promote relaxation and confidence.
- Apply to heart, ears, wrists, neck, or feet to encourage clarity and enlightening thoughts.
- Combine with Motivation Essential Oil Blend to help overcome emotional blocks and inspire unlimited potential.
- Diffuse this deep, woodsy blend along with essential oils with sweet notes like Tangerine, Jasmine or Joy. You can diffuse it on its own or even with Christmas Spirit!
- Place 1-2 drops of Believe on the crown of your head each day to focus your intention on hope and vitality.
- Add Believe to wool dryer balls and Thieves Laundry Soap for a festive twist and cozy sheets.
- Note: Believe is a great substitute for blends that call for Idaho Grand Fir.
Make a daily perfume or cologne roller with Believe:
- Believe essential oil blend, Tangerine essential oil, Hope essential oil blend
- Believe essential oil blend, Lavender essential oil, Frankincense essential oil
- Believe essential oil blend, Vetiver essential oil, Bergamot essential oil
- Believe essential oil blend, Vanilla essential oil, Lavender essential oil
- Believe essential oil blend, Joy essential oil blend, Tangerine essential oil
Make a daily Gratitude Roller:
- 10 drops Joy essential oil blend
- 7 drops Orange essential oil
- 5 drops Believe essential oil blend
- 5 drops Hope essential oil blend
- Top with a carrier oil and roll on liberally and frequently
Positive Change Diffuser Combo
Believe essential oil blend
Spearmint essential oil
Stress Away essential oil blend
Polar Express Diffuser Blend
Believe essential oil blend
Peppermint essential oil
Learn more about Believe essential oil video and how to use it in this fun video.
You can read more about using essential oils for emotions here.