You may have heard the term “Hot oils” but what is a hot essential oil?
“Hot Essential Oils” are essential oils that can cause a hot or warming sensation when applied to the skin. A particular essential oil may feel “hot” to your skin or spicy hot if used straight (undiluted) or burn if it gets into your eye.
First, it is important to remember that not everyone “feels” everything the same way . . . so, what is “hot” for one may not be “hot” for another . . . if you are someone who does not consider some, one, or any of the listed oils as “hot,” then that is fantastic but it does not mean that the person you are recommending an oil to will not find it “hot” . . . so, even if it is not “hot” to you, you will still want to err on the side of caution and warn your friends and family that it may be “hot” to him/her.
Is Peppermint a Hot Oil?
For some people, Peppermint’s cooling sensation can be too intense while for others they love the feeling Peppermint essential oil gives.
How do you use hot essential oils?
If you experience a “hot” sensation when using an essential oil, flush the area thoroughly with a carrier oil, such as a high quality, cold-pressed olive oil — this includes your eye. Do not flush with water as this will push the essential oil deeper and cause a greater depth of “hot” sensation to the area. Flush only with a carrier oil as the fat of the oil will draw the essential oil to it.
The essential oils listed here should be diluted 20/80 — 2 parts essential oil to 8 parts carrier oil — for example, mix 2 drops of oregano into 8 drops of olive oil.
Which Young Living Essential Oils are Considered Hot?
Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Hyssop, Oregano, Lemongrass, Thyme, Ocotea and Thieves essential oil blend.
Again, not everyone “feels” the same so you may be someone who can handle any or all of these oils without diluting . . . just remember to err on the side of caution and allow those who are new to essential oils to know about the “hot” and “warm” oils so he/she can proceed with caution . . . start with diluting and work toward “neat” if he/she so desires.
Which Young Living Essential Oils are Considered Warm?
The following single essential oils are considered “warm” — this means they may feel warm to the skin. You may want to dilute “warm” oils. They can also cause a burning or warm sensation if they get into your eye; if this happens, flush with a quality carrier oil, such as an organic, cold-pressed olive oil. Do not flush with water, as water will push the essential oil deeper. Essential oils “attach” to the fat in a carrier oil.
Single Essential Oils considered “Warm” are:
Angelica, Basil, Bergamot, Cardamom, Citronella, Cistus, Clary Sage, Coriander, Cumin, Cypress, Dill, Dorado Azul, All Eucalyptus. Douglas Fir, Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Goldenrod, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Juniper, Laurus Nobilis, Lavandin, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, All Melaleuca (except Quinervia), Mountain Savory, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Orange, Palmarosa, Palo Santo, Black Pepper, Peppermint, Pine, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sage, Spearmint, Spruce, Tangerine, Tarragon, Tsuga and Wintergreen.
How do you use a Hot Essential Oil?
If this is the first time you are using an essential oil it is always advisable to do a patch test prior to the first use. To perform a patch test, apply 1–2 drops of essential oil to a patch of skin such as the forearm. Observe that area of skin over the course of 1–2 hours for any noticeable reaction; however, reactions occur usually within 5–10 minutes. If you experience a hot or burning sensation or develop a rash, add V-6 Vegetable Complex or another carrier oil to the affected area as often as needed.